
Character Image

Created and Voiced by soulessblock

Souless is an android, piloted/controlled by The Door Herald. Their skin is colored in a slightly light black, with the exception of the square shaped hole in his chest, as well as his simple white face.


In the events of a cultish ritual by the Door Faith, a vessel was created in the form of a cement golem. This vessel was made to be the physical manifestation of their idol, Door, in their own flawed image. Through connection to their faith and black magic, the vessel was given life, but it wasn’t Door. Instead, Door gave it a new soul and a fraction of Door’s power. Instead of making a host for their idol, they created their champion. In his early life, he was somewhat soulless, as the name suggests. He had no empathy or feelings, and only survival instincts. However, over time, he started to learn real emotions with the help of the Door Faith, and in return, he has devoted his life to being the guardian and champion of their faith.

During the events of Rigatoni, Souless would come face to face with boyfriend. This would cause souless to use his door powers to try and fend off boyfriend, however boyfriend would soon be dragged away to the next dweller. After a while, souless is brought together with the rest of the dwellers, and soon endgamne begins. Now, souless is one of the main cave members, who will do anything to keep his protocals in check, whether it would be to save his friends, or to fight.