
Character Image

Created and Voiced by SPACEVA

Space is a relaxed god of the spaghettiverse. In his human form, he wears a USA tophat, and has dark hair. He also wears a green sweater, jeans, and tan shoes. However in his true form, his body consists of the cosmos, which his hair becoming more jagged and spiky.


Space is not human like he seems. He is actually an intergalactic being labeled as “The God of Space.” He was created as a result of the Big Bang, and has lived for eons. With the ability to travel through time and space itself, he watches over the cosmos, and each and every universe. This also includes timelines as well, as they are alternate dimensions in of themselves. Space can also shapeshift and change his appearance to blend in with any sentient species.

During the events of Blue's story, he would soon capture Red, the physical manifestation of Blue's Ego, and would trap him in his own pocket dimension. Basically his own galactic jail cell. Soon after he escaped however, Space would notice this almost instantly, and would bring together the dwellers to create THE SPAGHETII CAVE. This would soon lead to the events of Endgame, where after the near end opf the world, The Spaghetti Cave (created by Space himself) would continue to support each other, by living together and fighting any dangers that would bring themselves to the Spaghettiverse.